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Our Work

Accelerating Aotearoa is a unique collaborative model enabling judicious participation and interaction between multiple Tertiaries, government and industry. It is anticipated that the model is suitable for replication in other sectors and regions seeking similar outcomes.

Accelerating Aotearoa was initially established as Accelerating Auckland with catalyst funding through the Tertiary Education Commission's GIPI fund.

Some early deliverables included:

  1. The design and establishment of an ongoing mechanism for collaborative engagement between ICT businesses, all Tertiary Education Organisations providing ICT programmes, local, regional and central government and related organisations the Accelerating Auckland Taskforce
  2. The development and implementation of a Promotional Strategy to highlight opportunities in the ICT skills sector, leverage existing efforts and add scale where required along with the establishment of a number of initial projects
  3. A focus on accelerating Maori and Pacific peoples participation in the ICT sector by identifying initiatives focused on increasing the participation and completion Maori and Pacific students in Tertiary study.

Accelerating Aotearoa's current activities focus on:

  • Attracting youth to tertiary courses with digital content.
  • Providing youth with opportunities to make informed choices in tertiary education & ensuring their study is relevant to future labour market needs.
  • Connecting youth to the job market and supporting them on the pathway between tertiary study and work.


Accelerating Aotearoa has initiated a number of its pilot projects on underserved communities to support:

  • Access to information about digital careers - The jobs, pathways, role models
  • Achievement of success in Tertiary education – The right choices,the journey and completion
  • Improved economic opportunities- More highly paid jobs