Getting Kids interested in the local Otara Creek and STEM learning
On the above date Accelerating Aotearoa held its Annual General Meeting at its Southern premises located at 40a Lovegrove Crescent, Otara. Our thanks to all that attended. The AGM followed a Core Group Meeting that was held prior.
Following is the Chief Executive's Report to members at the AGM.
On the above date Accelerating Aotearoa held its 10th Annual General Meeting at its Southern premises located at 40a Lovegrove Crescent, Otara. Our thanks to all that attended. The AGM followed a Core Group Meeting that was held prior.
Following is the Chief Executive's Report to members at the AGM.
Delivery of a “STEM” focussed Geek Camps at Otara – wITH Up to 50 students daily over 2 weeks with
support from AUT, UoW and UoA, Sully Paea, ONAC, the Otara Network, Aisha & Co, Otara
Papatoetoe Maori Wardens, Otara Waterways and Lakes, and Healthy Families amongst others.
A fun learning time was had by all. Read below the brief report that the Chief Executive prepared about the camp....
On the above date Accelerating Aotearoa held its 9th Annual General Meeting at its Southern premises located at 40a Lovegrove Crescent, Otara. Our thanks to all that attended. The AGM followed a Core Group Meeting that was held prior.
Following is the Chief Executive's Report to members at the AGM.
Accelerating Aotearoa Chief Executive Judy Speight speaks to the Manukau Courer.
THRIVING OTARA has been established to ensure a community wide approach to enable Otara to thrive.
Under the umbrella of ONAC (Otara Network Action Committee Charitable Trust) and with Accelerating Aotearoa, Otara Health, Roots Collective and Crosspower Ministries, the THRIVING OTARA COLLECTIVE is supporting a COMMUNITY LED, OWNED AND DRIVEN approach to community engagement and participation.
The Otara Community's process to date has been a series of Hui to identify and agree a set of indicators for a Thriving Otara which include
- the development of A LOCAL ENTREPRENEURIAL culture
Read the Article here......
AGM Date: 27th August 2015
Accelerating Aotearoa held its 8th Annual General Meeting at Unitec's Mt Albert Campus at Carrington Rd. Our thanks to Unitec for hosting the AGM and the Core Group Meeting prior to that.
Following is the Chief Executive's Report to members at the AGM.
Following a successful Mangere Park Jam on the Saturday, Auckland Libraries combined with Accelerating Aotearoa to hold some very successful Digital workshops for pupils from The Good Seed Trust and Robertson Road School.
The future is digital and the people of Mangere are a bit more prepared after Park Jam 2015. This years event was held at the Mangere Town Centre on Saturday April 11th.
“Once upon a time, geeks were made fun of, but now they rule the world with the creation of apps, software, entertainment, communication and a lot more. Geeks are in short supply and countries that invest in geeks have high standards of living. Perhaps the Greeks need more geeks!
To help develop more geeks right here, Auckland Libraries recently partnered with Accelerating Auckland in its mission to help young tech superstars discover their digital dreams.
The collaboration was kicked off this summer at Accelerating Auckland’s Geek Camps - free teen holiday programmes held at the Manukau Civic Building, without a tent, toasted marshmallow or long drop in sight. Perhaps one of these young Aucklanders will have learned the skills and grown the confidence to take their idea global and change the world!”
– Darryl Soljan, Manager Customer Experience - North & West Libraries