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Core Group

John Holley John Holley - Chairman

John has held a number of IT management roles, including SAS IT, Visible Results, Auckland Regional Council, University of Auckland, Jericho Digital Communications, MIT and the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind. He was a school trustee for 18 years, including time as board chair at two schools. He is a board member of ChildFund New Zealand and is a member of the Accelerating Aotearoa Taskforce.

In his spare time he is an officer in the NZ Army, which has included  operational deployments to East Timor in 2001 and South Sudan in 2013, where he was one of the lead planners for the mission. He has also instructed in operational planning and leadership, at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto.

Judith Speight - Founder and Chief Executive

After twenty years in the corporate sector,Judith now works in governance roles for a range of organizations in addition to establishing a number of collaboration based initiatives.
Current governance roles include being a Trustee for Carers NZ, Councillor to the Network of Aotearoa Clubhouses (NOAC), membership of AUT University’s Computing Advisory Board and a Director of ITT WRKZ Limited.
• 2011: Recipient of an International Women's Day "Outstanding Service Award"
• 2010: One of four NZ women business people invited by the US Government to represent New Zealand at the inaugural APEC Women’s Entrepreneurial Summit (WES) in Gifu, Japan. Following on from the Gifu meeting new collaborative projects focusing on women’s empowerment are being developed.
• 2007 recognised internationally with a Champion of Digital Literacy award in Orlando, Florida for work to address the Digital Divide.
Historical roles include membership of the Prime Minister’s Y2K Task Force, Internet NZ’s Executive Board, Minister for Communication’s Electronic Commerce Action Team, New Zealand’s APEC TEL delegation & Government’s Broadband Forum, councillor for both InternetNZ and NACCQ, in addition to being Chairman of the Telecommunications Users Association (TUANZ) for a 7 year period & a Trustee for the e-regions Trust.

Pete Macaulay

Peter Macaulay - No1 IT Group, IDC New Zealand

Peter is passionate about the ability of the Internet to enhance many aspects of peoples' lives, and works to make it happen. Peter is a past president of Internet NZ and Chief Executive and Founder of The Number One IT Group Ltd.

Prior to his election Peter held roles as Programme Manager for Government's Digital Strategy and Executive director of InternetNZ (The Internet Society).
Moving from aircraft engineering into the Computer Services division of Air New Zealand, Peter became an analyst programmer in 1972. This technical background is the foundation on which he has superimposed management, sales and marketing skills. Generalization has allowed Peter to work internationally in roles as diverse as developer of operating system components, through to CIO of one of the world's largest electronics distributors.

Peter has a strong interest in intellectual property, and was a founder of the NZ Business Software alliance. To emphasize a commitment to the industry Peter served on the board of ITANZ (The Information Technology Association), and was elected president for a two-year term in 1998. Trevor Eagle and Peter Macaulay formed The Number One IT Group as a subsidiary of Eagle Technology in 1983, and it became an industry leader in software distribution and technical service. The business was highly regarded as a provider of award winning support.

Huia Murupaenga - Community Representative

Ko te pae tawhiti, whāia kia tata
Ko te pae tata, whakamaua kia tīna
Endure until your distant goals are near.
Once near, sieze them and hold them close.

Ko Ngati Kuri Ko Au, Ko Au Ko Ngati Kuri
Huia hails from a village called Pukepoto on the outskirts of Kaitaia in the beautiful lands and oceans of
Te Hiku o Te Ika (The Tail of the Fish also known as the Far North).
Living in Otara for 28 years, developing and strengthening relationships with whanau, hapu and iwi through Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa and Marae throughout Auckland, in her home region as well as Rotorua.
Huia has worked in the Public and Private Sector utilising her leadership skills and experience in front line whanau support to influence decision making in strategic and governance planning.
She is an advisor and coordinator reporting directly to Ngati Kuri Iwi, called 'He Kotuku'. Huia's role is to facilitate in the naming of endemic species found in the Iwi rohe (area) and motu (islands), with kaumatua and kuia (elders), alongside key scientists. This stems from a 4 year relationship with Auckland Museum.

Mati Filemoni Timoteo -Computer Clubhouse Trust

Filemoni was formerly Chief Operating Officer for the High Tech Youth Network, which provides a creative and safe community-based learning environment, where young people work with adult mentors, to explore their own ideas, develop skills and build confidence through the use of technology.

Filemoni was previously Group Manager, Economic Development for Manukau City Council.

Elena Fa'amoe-Timoteo

Vui Elena Fa'amoe-Timoteo - Community Representative

Elena Fa'amoe-Timoteo was most recently Waikato University’s Senior Policy Adviser for Pacific.

Previously Elena was with the Ministry of Education where she held several senior appointments.

Elena is Samoan, grew up in the United States and attended Western Washington University in Bellingham and the University of Auckland.

Sully Paea

Sully Paea - Community Representative

Sully Paea is a long time Otara resident and Youth worker. He has been helping at-risk youth in South Auckland for over 40 years. Sully launched the charity Crosspower over 20 years ago that helped children and these at-risk youth in the neighbourhood of his beloved Otara. Sully's complete bio is in progress.