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Collaborative Skills Development

An inter-TEO programme for identifying and sharing of best practice and innovation across regions to develop ICT skills in priority sectors.
Deliverables include the National Skills Summit a national collaborative initiaive to support the sharing of knowledge and information on skills, the exchange of best practice and the delivery of collaborative initiatives on a national scale.

The National Skills Summit will provide the context for the development of a consensual and national focus for the construction of a pipeline to develop appropriately skilled talent to meet the skills requirements of New Zealand.

Timeline: October 2007 - October 2008

National ICT Skills Collaboration

In order to improve New Zealand's economic outcomes we must enable the export of more high value product.

To generate more high value product we must learn how to mainstream innovation. Mainstreamed innovation will create increased demand for skilled workers in priority sectors.

While there is broad buy-in to the notion of national collaboration on skills development, to date little has been effected to support the sharing of knowledge and information, the exchange of best practice or the delivery of collaborative initiatives on a nation-wide scale.

The coordination of nation-wide programmes delivering a connected approach to the construction of a pipeline to develop skilled people to meet the needs of the priority sectors is a critical imperative.

Contexting this work within Government's Digital Strategy agenda provides a demonstrated and consistent approach this important work.

Our Vision
The establishment of a collaborative mechanism to support regional and nation-wide connectedness for initiatives within the context of Government's Digital Strategy.